Videography & Multimedia Journalism

Learn the techniques professionals use to create videos that entertain, inform, and inspire. Students write, shoot, and edit productions including video journalism, music videos, public service announcements, and more that are distributed to our audiences. Students take part in the PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Lab program, giving them an edge in developing a professional portfolio. Students are eligible for up to 24 college credits over two years covering options including illustration and design, photography, video and audio production.

Broadcasting & Multimedia Production

Use professional cameras, broadcast gear and software to create video and audio that engages audiences. This class develops our online video program, 30 Frames Per Second, and students learn the basics from video journalism and broadcasting to producing creative public service announcements, music videos, and more. As part of a PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Lab, students build professional portfolios and share their work across a national student network. Students are eligible for up to 24 college credits over two years covering options including illustration and design, photography, video and audio production.

Student Certification

  • Maine Association of Broadcasters

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe InDesign

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe After Effects

  • Adobe Premiere Pro

  • Davinci Resolve

  • Logic Pro

  • Pro Tools

  • FAA Drone Part 107


Multiple opportunities are often available by arrangement.

Dual Enrollment Credit

Southern Maine Community College - All 3 Credits

  • CNMS 111: Digital Foundations

  • CNMS 115: Design Fundamentals

  • CNMS 120: Digital Art I

  • CNMS 160: Video/Audio Production Basics

  • CNMS 180: Digital Illustration I

  • CNMS 240: Nonlinear Editing Essentials


Dave Boardman, Ed.D., NBCT

873-0102, ext. 178